Insurance Over Texas

430 Hwy 6 S. #102
Houston, TX 77079

About Insurance Over Texas

What Types of Homeowners Insurance Do I Need in Houston, Texas?

When purchasing a home in Houston, TX, it’s crucial to insure your assets adequately to safeguard yourself from damage, natural disasters, theft, and even flooding after a significant storm. If you’re a homeowner in Texas, understanding the available types of homeowners insurance can help you create a comprehensive policy that protects all your investments and assets, regardless of the circumstances.

Dwelling Coverage

Traditional dwelling coverage is necessary to protect your home’s structure and foundation. This type of policy is ideal for those who want to safeguard their homes, garages, and even surrounding decks from natural disasters, vandalism, hail, and even fire.

Liability Coverage

Investing in liability insurance is highly advisable to protect yourself from liability or legal issues when someone else falls or gets injured on your property. Liability coverage will protect you and your assets from personal financial hits or losses while also helping cover any medical bills an individual incurs due to injuries they sustained while on your property.

Personal Property

It’s always recommended to maintain personal property policies to protect your belongings and goods inside the home. These policies cover your belongings from theft, damage, or loss.

Additional Insurance Types

When living in the Houston, Texas, area, consider these additional policies:

  • Flood Insurance: Flood insurance can protect your home from unexpected water damage following significant floods, which occur frequently in the Houston region.
  • Hail and Windstorm Policies: A hail and windstorm policy can protect against property damage caused by hail and high winds that traditional homeowner’s insurance policies may not cover.

If you’re a homeowner in the Houston, TX, area and you’re looking for the most comprehensive homeowner’s insurance policy, Insurance Over Texas can assist you. To learn more about your options when choosing a policy for your property, contact Insurance Over Texas to speak directly with one of our qualified insurance agents today.

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